XORN kicked-off

What is better than gravity inversion constrained by seismic data to investigate Earth crustal structure? Joint and magnetic inversion constrained by seismic!!!! This is exactly one of the main objectives of the XORN project kicked off today.

Geomatics Research & Development srl (GReD) and Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV) from the University of Clermont Auvergne (UCA), has kicked off an activity, funded by the European Space Agency, through its programme EO4society, to work on an innovative software for 3D joint gravity and magnetic inversion, constrained by seismic data.

In the project, called eXperiomental jOint inversion (XORN), GReD and LMV will also test the developed algorithm on a regional case study to estimate a complete 3D model of the Mediterranean Sea area up to the Moho depth.

Dr. Daniele Sampietro, Applied Geophysics Manager of GReD, said “We are pleased to have kicked off this important project since we guess it will definitively advance our way to exploit potential field data, thus potentially improve our knowledge on the Earth crust for scientific, as well as industrial purposes”.

The project results are expected in December 2022.

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